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Family Law

Modification and Enforcement

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They say nothing is forever and change is the constant in life. When you have already been through an initial Court process the Court entered a final order or judgment outlining both parties’ obligations. 


When it comes to ordered child support or alimony obligations there may come a time when you can legally modify the original amount based on what Florida law calls substantial and material change in circumstance. The most common example is usually when a person was making a significantly higher salary (or lower) during the initial proceeding and later either has a reduction in income (or gain). These income changes can trigger the ability of either party to modify, whether downward or upward, their child support or alimony obligations from that original order or judgment.


On the other hand, when a party is not complying with the original orders, judgment, or agreement whether monetary or regarding certain actions, the other party may be entitled to request the Court force the party to comply with such terms as required. Orders, judgments, and agreements are to be strictly complied with, when one person does not adhere the other party should seek Court intervention to ensure compliance.

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